OUr Food
Making fast food healthy!
Locally Sourced
Our fresh produce is sourced from local farmers and delivered fresh to stores where we prepare it each morning. All of our fresh fillings are free from artificial additives.
No added antibiotics
Or hormones
All of our meats and seafood products contain no added antibiotics or hormones.
Quality meats
We take care to source the best quality meats. We use 100% Irish Beef and Lamb, hormone free Irish free-range chicken* and eggs and free-farmed ham and bacon.
*Buffalo chicken and chicken tenders sourced from abroad
Plant-based and dairy free
We have a range of vegan, vegetarian and dairy free options to choose from including our proteins, fillings and sauces.
OUr PEoPle
Locally owned and operated
All stores nationwide are locally owned and operated by people just like you! We support our local economy through providing job opportunities within our local communities.
OUr ENviroNMenT
Enviro-friendly packaging
Our product packaging range is made from recycled, compostable or biodegradable materials wherever possible. In store, we have recycling and compostable bins. We continue to develop and improve our packaging range in an effort to reduce our contribution to landfill in Ireland. Watch this space for further developments.
Reducing carbon emissions
We work with local farmers, suppliers and bakers wherever possible in reducing our combined carbon emissions. Particularly through transit within supply chain and through sourcing sustainable materials.
Sustainable cleaning practices
All cleaning products are exclusively supplied by Ecolab and are biodegradable and PH neutral, keeping our stores squeaky clean minus the nasties!